Sunday School (all ages) (during school year) 9:00 am
Morning Worship 10:00 am
Please note all times are listed in Central Time
Holy Communion is served the first Sunday of each month.
Each Sunday, the congregation is called to worship and the church bell rings out. Our acolytes light candles to remind us that Christ is the light of the world. The Psalms are read responsively, and we turn to God in prayer and confession and we are reminded of God's redeeming grace in Jesus Christ. We sing praises to God, singing hymns and Scripture-based songs. We greet one another in the peace of Christ. Opportunity is given to all to express praise or request prayer. Our pastor leads us in morning prayer, including praying the Lord's Prayer together. There is a lesson time just for children. We read the Bible in every service. Our Pastor preaches sermons based on the reading of the day. We confess our faith using the ancient creeds. We gather frequently at the Lord's Table where we remember Jesus' once-for-all time sacrifice for sin on the cross. Our service ends with a pastoral benediction and a corporate "Amen."
We emphasize that the church is a spiritual family comprised of people of all ages, styles, denominations, and ethnic backgrounds. We try to include children and youth in many aspects of our worship, as we recognize them as part of God's family. We encourage parents to bring their young children and infants to worship with them.
Morning Worship 10:00 am
Please note all times are listed in Central Time
Holy Communion is served the first Sunday of each month.
Each Sunday, the congregation is called to worship and the church bell rings out. Our acolytes light candles to remind us that Christ is the light of the world. The Psalms are read responsively, and we turn to God in prayer and confession and we are reminded of God's redeeming grace in Jesus Christ. We sing praises to God, singing hymns and Scripture-based songs. We greet one another in the peace of Christ. Opportunity is given to all to express praise or request prayer. Our pastor leads us in morning prayer, including praying the Lord's Prayer together. There is a lesson time just for children. We read the Bible in every service. Our Pastor preaches sermons based on the reading of the day. We confess our faith using the ancient creeds. We gather frequently at the Lord's Table where we remember Jesus' once-for-all time sacrifice for sin on the cross. Our service ends with a pastoral benediction and a corporate "Amen."
We emphasize that the church is a spiritual family comprised of people of all ages, styles, denominations, and ethnic backgrounds. We try to include children and youth in many aspects of our worship, as we recognize them as part of God's family. We encourage parents to bring their young children and infants to worship with them.
- Prelude - Acolytes light the candles
- Welcome/Announcements
- Call To Worship
- Moment of Silent Confession
- Assurance of Pardon
- Ringing of the Church Bell
- Invocation
- Hymns - both traditional and choruses
- Greet one Another in Peace
- Morning Prayer (incl. Lord's Prayer) - we stop to share requests, praises and to celebrate birthdays in the church family
- Offering/Offertory
- Doxology/Prayer of Dedication
- Hymn
- Scripture
- Children Sermon
- Sermon
- Hymn
- Benediction
- Postlude
There is a coffee fellowship following all of our Sunday morning services (except in summer). Here you can come and meet others, ask questions, speak with the pastor or church leaders, or just enjoy the blessing of Christian hospitality. We especially welcome visitors to join us.
We also have a number of special services throughout the year in observation of Christian holidays. These include:
Advent Devotions
Christmas Eve Service
Lenten Services
Maundy Thursday Service
Good Friday Service
Sunrise Easter Service